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Disney forlaget Gemstone i økonomisk knibe

Så er den gal med det amerikanske Disney og EC tegneserie forlag Gemstone. De skylder deres trykker $373.000. Mon ikke Steve Geppi, som også ejer Diamond distributionen, finder ud af noget? Vi kan ikke leve uden vores Floyd Gottfredson, Paul Murry, Al Hubbard, Tony Strobl, William Van Horn, og hvad de nu kræser med.

fra Disney Comics Worldwide:

Bad news from Gemstone Publishing, the publisher of Disney comics in the United States and the only publisher in the world that still publishes English-language Disney comics that are easily available. The economic recession has hit the Baltimore-based publisher hard as it is being sued for unpaid bills. Creditors Trade Association is suing Gemstone, Diamond and owner Steve Geppi for $373,000 on behalf of Global Interprint, which is the print broker for many of Gemstone’s deluxe editions such as the EC Archives. Gemstone owes the large sum for printing bills that were run up between December 2007 and September 2008.

resten af historien her: http://www.wolfstad.com/dcw/blog/2009/02/future-of-us-disney-comics-in-jeopardy/

This entry was posted on Thursday, February 19th, 2009