Home / Anmeldelser / Eye Witness – Nej tak, så hellere Vagttårnet

Eye Witness – Nej tak, så hellere Vagttårnet

Da jeg for for snart mange år siden arbejdede i Dansk Sømandskirke i London, var jeg ofte ude for, at jeg mødte mennesker der ikke kunne forstå mit arbejde. Jeg var ung, havde en kæreste som var kristen, og hvis jeg skulle gøre mig nogen forestillinger om at ligge under samme dyne som hende, så skulle jeg vist også finde den rette vej. Som ung gør man jo så mange tossede ting, så hvorfor ikke også finde ud af det der med Jesus…

Men altså,
i England var det mit arbejde at servicere søfolk på de danske handelsskibe, og det betød blandt andet, ar jeg nogen gange drak en øl sammen med dem på pubberne. Allerede der begyndte maven at vokse, for det smager jo godt det skidt…

Og efter et par omgang pool og lidt øl, så kom talen på kristendommen. Det var jo mit job, og som sådan et godt og spændende et af slagsen. De søfolk, samt øvrige gæster på pubberne, kunne man ligesom inddele i to lige store grupper. Dem der hadede og dem der ikke hadede. Had er selvfølgelig et groft udtryk, men det ligger lige for. Hadede forkyndere og forkyndelse contra dem der havde et mere neutralt forhold. Jeg talte jo Fanden et øre af, og blev altid trist og negativt overrasket, når folk engang imellem ikke gad høre om Gud, om frelse og den slags.

Det ER mange
år siden nu. Jeg bor i et andet land, har et andet arbejde og en anden kvinde, men jeg kan sagtens nikke genkendende til det had, som jeg blev mødt med. For det er det had, eller modvilje jeg nu nærer imod den tegneserie jeg skal til at anmelde. Ikke fordi tegningerne er dårlige, for det er de ikke (helt). Heller ikke fordi historien er dårlig, for det er den langtfra, men simpelthen fordi jeg føler, at jeg her bliver presset ud i en stillingtagen jeg ikke ønsker. Eller… Jeg har ikke noget imod at skulle tage stilling til det at være kristen, men det er nok snarere måden det gøres på. Den der insisterende ‘Jeg har sandheden, og nu skal du bare lytte’, der lyder fælt i mine ører.
Mere om det lidt senere.

Eye Witness er
titlen på en graphic novel, forfattet og tegnet af Robert James Luedke. Bogen er såmænd flot nok, hardback med et catchy dunkeltblåt kors fortil, og med en lidende Jesu dybt i baggrunden. Små 70 sider og prisen $25. Og forsidens motiv, korset, er nærmest indrammet, for lige i korsets øverste del står titlen. Længere oppe står der: there are three sides to every story… Theirs, yours and the truth. Og så nederst står der: a fictional tale of absolute truth…
Handlingen er ligetil. En 45-årig videnskabsmand, en forsker, der har til opgave at afdække bibelske fund ved diverse forsøg, er ikke selv troende. Og det på trods af at han efterhånden har sagt god for adskillige ruller (Bibelen betyder ‘bog’, men der er snarere tale om ruller end om bøger, som vi kender dem i dag), men det har aldrig rigtig fået ham overbevist om Guds eksistens. Det skal snart ændre sig, da Dr. Terry Harper (vidensskabsmanden) og hans assistent finder en hidtil ukendt rulle, hvori der beskrives qua et øjenvidne, om Jesu liv og især død.

Cliffhangeren er den
åbenlyse – vil Terry Harper indse at et liv uden tro og personligt møde med Jesu, slet ikke er noget liv? Jeg vil ikke røbe slutningen, men det kan I vel nærmest regne ud…
Nej – jeg orker ikke at beskrive bogen i enkeltheder, for den er styg. Den er så insisterende, så belærende, så rigtig at jeg ikke kan have det. Og det er trist, for budskabet er smukt og næstekærligt. Og især trist, når man ved at det kan gøres smidigt, blidt og uden pression. For eksempel har Bibelselskabets Forlag lige udgivet en manga bog om samme emne, tro. Manga Messias er titlen. Og fra samme forlag skal jeg ikke undlade at gøre opmærksom på den danske kunstner, Peter Madsens, Rejsen til Jerusalem. Heri skildres tro og vantro, svar og spørgsmål, søgen og afklaring. Alt sammen i en rolig ramme og med en diskret fortællestil samt yderst flotte tegninger.

Gudhjælpemig om Eye Witness ikke er en del af en serie, for det er det. Så vidt jeg kan forstå af pressematerialet, så er Eye Witness den 3. i rækken af i alt 4 bøger, hvoraf den sidste endnu ikke er udkommet. Titlerne på de øvrige er Rise of the apostle samt Acts of the spirit.

Selvfølgelig kan Robert
James tegne, men de forskellige tegninger og især personerne bliver så uhyggeligt karikerede og uvirkelige. Det er som om tegneren partout vil have det hele med, og glemmer den gamle vise sætning, less is more.

Der er med
garanti et marked for den slags litteratur i Guds eget land. Nok næppe det helt store publikum her i Danmark, omend jeg ikke kan lægge hovedet på bloggen med dette postulat. En ting er dog sikkert. Jeg er ikke køber til disse bøger. Amen.

Og for lige
at vende tilbage til det jeg indledte med. Jeg mener, at folk, troende eller ikke, skal lade deres gøren og laden tale. fremfor at påtvinge andre noget. Jeg finder det eksempelvis ynkværdigt, når man dag efter dag møder folk med Vagttårnet, stående på samme sted. Dag efter dag. Uge efter uge. Men måske er det blot mig?

Bind fire udkommer i 2010.

Eye Witness: A Fictional Tale of Absolute Truth
Skrevet og tegnet: Robert Luedke
96 sider i farver
Pris: $24.99 (Hardcover)  ($13.99 Softcover)

Eye Witness: Acts of the Spirit (Book 2)

Skrevet og tegnet: Robert Luedke
104 sider i farver
Pris: $13.99 (Softcover)

Eye Witness: Rise of the Apostle
(Book 3)
Skrevet og tegnet: Robert Luedke
100 sider i farver
Pris: $13.99 (Softcover)


  • Berti:

    Thanks for giving the Eye Witness books your critic. Though I must admit, reading the review (translated through Goggle) I am somewhat confused by many of your comments…and I’ll pass that off as key elements being “lost in translation”. But for potentially the same reason it appears you may have missed the overall thrust of the series. The Biblical adaptation is strictly my attempt to illustrate the Gospel story of the birth of the Christian Faith (as adapted from the Bible) in a way that is entertaining and understandable especially to those who are not avid Bible readers or church attendees.

    I am not trying to push anyone into to making a leap of faith, (or attempting to criticize anyone who has not), but rather sharing how the stories speak to me personally and as important….how the Biblical narrative is working as a foundation for the modern day action-thriller taking place around it. Is the story of Jesus’ Passion gory, dramatic and shocking, as well as tender and touching? Of course it is…but then again, that’s the whole point, to illustrate the tremendous physical sacrifice which he made. But I think you’d agree that it is no where near as graphic as the depiction made by Mel Gibson’s in the “Passion of the Christ” movie.

    Secondly, I believe you had the entire series at your disposal (Eye Witness/Book 2: Acts of the Spirit and Eye Witness:/Book 3: Rise of the Apostle), since I see the cover graphics posted within the article. It’s hardly doing you or your readers justice not reading through and sharing how the two stories (modern day and first century) work on a whole and in concert with each other from book to book. Of course you’d agree, that can’t judge a book by only the first couple chapters, and likewise you can’t judge a series by the first book only. Book one (A Fictional Tale of Absolute Truth) is the setup and foundation for the rest of the story.

    Trying to make some sense out of the backstory you began your review with, (bad translation?), it appears you are sensitive about people evangelizing their faith, but trust me…if you can put those preconceived biases aside, I think you might enjoy where this story leads you (but then again, I won’t spoil the ending in book four…which I’m working on right now).

    And finally, in regards to my artistic style….I obviously never comment on anyone’s opinions on these matters, since I believe true art (in any form) is always in the eye of the beholder. My style in Eye Witness has been called everything from wonderful, to breathtaking, to too detailed for the material, to too cartoonish for the material. But that’s why God gifted both a Vincent Van Gogh and Claude Monet…because artist expression and appreciation can be many faceted.

    But thanks again for taking the time to share you thoughts.

    R.J. Luedke

  • Hi Robert,

    I never really expected feedback from the author, but I am glad that you’ve taken the time to translate your way into my review, not to mention your response.

    Somehow I’d wish you’d be able to read ‘Rejsen til Jerusalem’, from The Danish Bible Society. It’s written and illustrated by the dane Peter Madsen, and in that very book (I made a review of that one as well) you will find another pace, another way of telling the story of Christ.

    Best regards from Denmark


  • Dear Bob,

    I’m sorry, if our review offended you. We’re seven reviewers with very different backgrounds, and some of us are more sensitive than others about evangelization.

    It may be a comfort to you to know that the reviewer was at least unwilling to part with your books. This made it necessary for us to require a new set, in case you wanted a second opinion.

    I’m a professional writer with close to forty books to my name, many of them about the Christian religion. I take great interest in the way the gospel is preached today, and I furthermore see your books as an important example of this.

    I would have liked to review them on this site in English – I thought you might take an interest in this, and also enter into a discussion with me. I’m sorry that this does not seem to be the case.


    Erwin Neutzsky-Wulff

  • Well, Erwin – you’re far too hasty for me. I send the moderator a second mail, stating that you’re welcome to enherit the books. I too, is very interested in the way The Gospels are presented, that being as comics, plays, films, books or in any other way…

    I live in Copehagen, Erwin, and you’re more than welcome to pay me a visit, and then we can debate the issue on any level you prefer. I do not have such an impressive background as you, with a large tally of books to my name. Though, I am interested in presenting reviews as fair as possible, and of course maybe learn to disregard med predudice.

    Let me hear from you,



  • Kære Berti!

    Jeg forstod på Kim, at du helst ikke ville af med bøgerne, men det er jo så ikke tilfældet. Som vores redaktør har gættet, ligger meget af tiltrækningen for mig i, at vi har forfatteren i røret, hvilket eventuelt kunne føre til en interessant diskussion om den moderne fortolkning af evangelierne.

    Jeg vil derfor helst vente og høre, om han overhovedet er interesseret i noget sådant, inden jeg forpligter mig. Jeg skriver på to bøger og får fire ud i løbet af de næste par måneder (hvoraf en i øvrigt er en tegneserie) så jeg er nødt til at økonomisere lidt med min tid!

    Mange HiIsener

    Din medanmelder


  • Men så korsfæstet da? Spøg til side!

    Undskyld mit sene svar, men jeg læste lige i MetroXpress, at Warehouse9 i København sælger billetter ved at reklamere med, at jeg er på scenen i morgen aften. Og det er jeg altså ikke, så det måtte jeg lige dementere!

  • Bob er åbenbart ikke interesseret i en alternativ anmeldelse, så den er hermed fjernet fra mit i forvejen overfyldte skrivebord. Jeg var i øvrigt inde på hans hjemmeside, og jeg må sige, at meget tyder på, at Bertis anmeldelse er ganske dækkende.

    Derimod håber jeg naturligvis snart at få andre spændede ting at anmelde. Indtil da vil jeg vende tilbage til skrivebordet.

  • Det er jeg både glad for og ked af. Umiddelbart var min første tanke nemlig den, at man ikke ‘stolede’ på min anmeldelse, hvorfor en ‘second opinion’ var nødvendig. Efter at have tænkt tanken og blevet irriteret over den, så fødtes en ny. Nemlig, jo – Erwin måtte meget gerne kigge med i bøgerne, og det kunne være interessant med netop det, som jeg forstår er Erwins ærinde, nemlig at få zoomet nærmere ind på hvordan man kan præsentere budskaber i tegneserier, herunder f.eks De Gode Nyheder. For selvom det tilsyneladende ligger lige til højrebenet, så ER det vanskeligt. Det er en balancegang, men jeg må stadig sige, at Peter Madsens ‘Rejsen til Jerusalem’ er et flot bidrag.

    Også selvom Erwin kaster op og får drabelige tanker…

    Ellers er det for resten saliggørende at der er kommentarer til vores anmeldelser. Jeg savner nemlig i den grad debat om værkerne.

    Og til Erwin > hvornår kan vi vente din tegneserie, og kan du løfte lidt af sløret om handling, tematik mm.?

  • I didn’t mean to create such a ruckus with my comments!

    Berti and Erwin…please understand, I was not offended by the review. I’ve been doing this long enough to have a thickened skin over commentary about my work. I only take the time to comment directly like this, when there seems to be things out of place in a review….like the fact that Berti only reviewed one book out of the three he had in the series, yet seeks to condemn the entire presentation.

    Berti…the book you recommend to me, may be great and a wonderful presentation of the gospel, but that does not mean I have to see it. You see the Eye Witness series is my personal intrepretation of how the Gospels speak to me and using my God-gifted artistic abilities, I attempt to make them come to life for a new generation of readers of comics, graphic novels and manga. I don’t try to mimic any particular genre or style of art, rather just be myself and wait for the divine inspiration that comes with each book.

    Erwin…I hope you and Berti can come to an accomodation for him to share the books with you. Then maybe the readers of this wonderful site can get a second opinion on the value of this work.

    Once again, thanks for you time and efforts.

    R.J. Luedke

  • Dear Bob,

    Evangelists often have a tendency to talk a lot about themselves and their “personal” relationship to Jesus – an understandable defence against the contention that some guy, who died two thousand years ago, can’t possibly have anything to do with me. Well let me tell you about my personal relationship to Jesus.

    I taught myself to read, when I was three years old, and consequently took a rather early interest in the questions posed by our human existence and the answers that science offers. When I was six, I was, for some inexplicable reason, sent to Catholic school, all my teachers being Jesuit priests – in other words, I was acquainted with what you might call hardcore Christianity.

    I was understandably fascinated by this modern mythology, and when I was sixteen, I taught myself Hebrew and enough Greek to read the Scriptures. More importantly, my command of Latin made it possible for me to read Roman authors, who were contemporary with Christ and Paul, and also the comprehensive patristic literature.

    Big surprise! Neither the Romans, the Jews, nor the Christians thought or felt the least bit like the characters in the bible pictures.

    Since then I’ve earned my living as a writer for almost forty years. I’ve written dozens of novels and essays on religion, many of them a thousand pages each.

    I’ve translated parts of the Bible and debated with theologians. And I’d love to read, review and debate your books with you.

    Because, like me, you’re a populariser. You reshape the mythology.

    Of course, I really don’t know anything about you. You may just be interested in making a fast buck on the Bible Belt.

    Or you may be genuinely interested in learning more about the times and characters you portray, discussing these portrayals and giving the reasons why you portray them the way you do. This probably won’t in any way influence your beliefs – nor should it – but it might help you understand your characters better.

    I, on the other hand, am no preacher. I shall want your response and an open-minded discussion, not privately – I have no time for private correspondence – but on this site.

    It might prove interesting. Then again, you may not feel that you are able to spare the time.

    In that case, I see no reason to employ my own reading your books. May your god go with you!

  • Kære BERTI!

    Albummet går i trykken i overmorgen, så det skulle være i bogladerne inden jul. LAWMAN er en politisk satire.

    Med en forskel. Ofte er den slags jo uhyre platfodet og siger mere om den fløj, der leverer den, end den, det går ud over.

    Det gav mig ideen til en satire over højrefløjens satire over venstrefløjen! Samtidig er det en hyldest til THE GOLDEN AGE, især Batman (Bob Kane, ikke Frank Millers bras).

    Hvis den er lykkedes, skyldes det ikke mindst Jørgen Bitschs fantastiske stilbeherskelse. Hvis Kim og Jørgen går med til det, kan I måske bringe en side allerede nu!

  • Det lyder sgu spændende, Erwin – en dobbelt twisted twist. Politisk satirisk satire-satire – glæder mig….

    Vidste b.t.w. ikke at Frank Miller brugte den slags beklædningsstykker!
    Må jeg være så fri at spørge om hvilken størrelse han bruger?

  • A week ago I proposed a serious discussion of EYE WITNESS on this forum, but am yet to receive a positive answer from the author. Well, that’s it for me: I have better things to occupy my time.

  • Erwin:

    In answer to your previous questions….yes I am from Texas….Dallas to be exact.

    Two….I’m sorry If I haven’t checked back on this discussion thread quick enough to suit your schedule. But you see, It’s not like I receive any notice that there was something to answer or address. I just happened to check back this morning, just to see “if” there had been any more activity since my last posting of Nov. 10th. I too have a life beyond posting on the web and in fact, I try to keep this kind of thing to a minimum since it can easily eat up hours of a day that I just don’t have.

    And finally, I don’t know how we could have any type of meaningful discussion about my works and how I portray the Biblical narrative without your having seen my them.

    It’s apparent you certainly have a fine grasp of the subject matter, based upon the impressive resume you post here. So yes…I would welcome your opinion on my presentation. But do understand, I likewise am no “preacher” and not a biblical scholar by education, but rather just a man who has let the Holy Spirit guide me down this path….which is to use the tool (that is, the graphic novel) to share the stories of the Passion and the Book of Acts, with readers who may have never picked up a Bible nor attended church, but love comics and graphic novels and have an innate curiousity about the events that shaped the birth pains of the world’s largest religion.

    My narrative and character construction are a result of extensive research I’d reviewed which was done by both biblical scholars and archeological, social and historical studies on the period. Throw all of that, my own creative spirit…along with a bunch of prayer for direction…into the mix and out comes the Eye Witness series.

    It’s not meant to replace or recreate the original story as written, but rather augment it enough to make the narrative more approachible, easier to follow, plus a bit more entertaining, especially for those not familiar with the source material. You see, I did not take this project on to, as you say, “make a fast buck”…that was never promised. Rather, I was commissioned for this project to use my particular skill set (artistic talent, ability to structure a comic style narrative and experience with the business world of comic-book publishing) to spead “the word” and potentially touch “some” with it, who may not be open to it through other means. If that fits your definition of “populariser”, than so be it!

    When all is said and done, if I’ve made enough to pay my costs I’m happy, for this is more about “expanding the Kingdom” and the part I am playing in that big picture.

    If you wish to respond further, I’ll try to check back on the site every week or so. If I know something’s posted I’ll try to get back sooner, but short of getting some kind of notice to alert me (re: an email) that may not be possible.

    R.J. Luedke

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