Home / Blogs / GoogaMoogas blog / IDW Publishing udgiver The Complete Milt Gross Comic Book Stories til december

IDW Publishing udgiver The Complete Milt Gross Comic Book Stories til december

Jeg har tidligere her i bloggen præsenteret jer for IDW’s første bog på deres nye Yoe! Books! imprint, der vil bestå af oldies genoptryk, “The Art of Steve Ditko”, redigeret af Craig Yoe (bro!), manden bag den esoteriske, bidske Arf! antologi af high art og low brow comics, og den næste bog IDW har annonceret bliver så en 320 siders farve hc, der samler alle comic book historierne af humoristen Milt Gross. Og nej, de er bestemt ikke “gross”, hans tegneserier, no gross-out here, have no fear, Milt Gross is here! Mærk kalenderen den 29. december. Og skyd nytåret ind med 320 siders ny-restaureret Milt Gross. MAD tegneren Al Jaffee har lavet en spéciel FOLD-INtroduction til bogen, og hvem er ikke skyldig i at have foldet bagsider af Jaffee på de gamle MAD hæfter? Vi vidste ikke bedre…


amazon.com review:

Product Description

Milt Gross was a cartooning genius who was championed by Art Spiegelman in “Raw” and Dan Nadel in “Art Out of Time.” Gross wrote and drew what many consider to be the first graphic novel, “He Done Her Wrong,” and was a popular comic stripper (with hilarious cartoon-style Yiddish-isms), animator, and screenplay writer (co-writer of films with Charlie Chaplin). This beautifully designed book collects the complete comic book stories of comic genius Milt Gross, culled from rare, impossible-to-track-down comic books of the 40s, which have been lovingly restored. In addition to exhuming every one of Gross’ wild and crazy comic book stories, this tome shares rare photos, sketches, and unpublished art, including the previously unknown cover to the Milt Gross Funnies #3!

Og her er Dan Nadels bog fra 2006, der over 320 sider bl.a. præsenterer os for humoristen Milt Gross samt andre glemte, visionære serietegnere fra det 20. århundrede; jeg kan altså godt lide frøen, der springer op dér, ligesom tegnerne, der dukker op af glemslen i denne prægtige bog:


Craig Yoe mener, han er på et vinderhold med IDW Publishing, og jeg kan kun give ham ret. IDW Publishing er nemlig et vinder forlag. Craig Yoe citeres på www.idwpublishing.com

“I’m looking forward to spitting on my hands, pulling on my briefs, and tag-teaming with IDW. Together, we’re going to wrestle some great books to the ground,” said Yoe. “With my good looks and IDW’s beefy muscle, we make a winning team.”

Og her er hvad animationstegneren John Kricfalusi har at sige om Milt Gross, på http://www.boingboing.net/2005/11/15/john-kricfalusi-on-t.html 

John K: “The greatest guy even in that style is Milt Gross — the greatest comic strip artist of all time and he does a style that’s very similar to Gerald McBoingBoing except it’s funny. It’s funny and it’s human. He’d draw a crowd scene and every character looks completely different, and you can tell instantly by looking at the character what kind of a person it is. He is amazing. And he has great drawing principles behind his work. A lot of people will look at his work, a lot of accomplished artists today and they would say he draws primitively. He doesn’t at all. He has fantastic composition; the best composition of any cartoonist I’ve ever seen in my life.”